The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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Princeton Farm Fresh:  The Market is Open

Is it Spring yet? I am ready to shoot the ground hog. Here on our farm we are working hard to finish our greenhouse so we can plant more seeds. I am anxiously awaiting more sunlight and more warmth so we can get the seeds in the ground.
See you on Friday,

Tullahoma Locally Grown:  New Products

Good Morning!
The market is open.

Fountain Springs Farm has pork cutlets, boston butt/shoulder, pork sausage and ground pork on the market.

MaeNaturals has added Essential Oil Roll-on’s in the Soap and Lotion Category.

Get started here: Tullahoma Locally Grown Market

See you Thursday

Joyful Noise Acres Farm:  Don't forget to order!

The market closes for ordering at 8:00 tonight. We have all sorts of wonderful foods for you and yours including a new shipment of cheese and butter.
Honey orders are due now.
Our next class is March 7th. We will be learning about water and milk kefir, kombucha, yogurt making and Piima. You will be able to take home cultures so that you can make these healthfilled foods yourself.

Mary Beth

Athens Locally Grown:  ALG Open for February 26

Athens Locally Grown

How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Twitter: @athlocallygrown
On Facebook:
On Thursdays: Here’s a map.

Market News

This last week was a great one for local food in Athens. Everything that we have build together over the last 20 years was on full display for people around the country in town for the annual Georgia Organics conference. Friday saw tour busses fan out from the Classic Center to visit farms, community gardens, markets, food businesses, research plots, and more. Intensive workshops were held at sites about town teaching others how our treasures were created and how they could go back home and build on our experience. Hugh Acheson, originally just the founding chef of Athens’ 5 & 10 but now a nationally known celebrity chef, gave an impassioned keynote address Friday night about his vision for re-inventing Home Ec in our schools and his new non-profit to get that vision in practice (led up by former ALG volunteer Almeta Tulloss). Saturday saw dozens of instructional sessions taught by nationally known experts (many of the Athenians). And the topper was the renowned Farmers Feast, always one of the best meals I have all year.

All through the weekend I heard from people who were new to Athens marveling at all our community has done to build a local food system, and also from those who have been here many times marveling at how much more we’ve done since the last time they visited. It’s easy to get lost in the routine of daily life, such as ordering carrots from a favorite local farmer and picking them up a few days later, and forgetting that what we have available here, while far from perfect, is still the envy of so many other communities. We should be proud of what we have available here, even while working to make it better (by pushing for a backyard chicken ordinance, and trying to grow local grains, and starting and supporting local food businesses, and introducing your neighbors to the joy of really fresh lettuce).

Two awards were given out during the farmers feast. University of Georgia Sustainable Agriculture Coordinator Julia Gaskin was awarded the 2015 Land Steward Award for her work as a soil scientist and champion of sustainable agriculture in the halls of academia and in fields across Georgia. “Julia has been the college’s strongest supporter of sustainable agriculture,” said Dr. Scott Angle, Dean of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. “Because of her efforts, the college has made great strides in recognizing that agriculture comes in all shapes and sizes. We are a much different college compared to 20 years ago thanks to the efforts of Julia Gaskin.” It’s a common trope across the country that the state ag department, and especially the outreach teams from the ag colleges, are working against organic foods and for the corporations behind much of industrial agriculture. You hear that sometimes in Georgia, too, but thanks to Julia the extension agents across our state are well versed in organic growing practices and fully supporting of new growers staring farms and conventional farmers wanting to convert to organic. She is truly a local hero for sustainable agriculture, and her award is so well deserved.

The Barbara Petit Pollinator Award, given to someone, not necessarily a farmer, who has made a difference in promoting sustainable agriculture and local foods, was given to me for Athens Locally Grown and all of the markets across the country. It is a huge honor, one that inspires me to work harder on making the system accessible to all. Athens Locally Grown wouldn’t exist without all of the growers big and small who work through all kinds of taxing conditions to make food available to us, all the volunteers that help get food from the farmer to you during our market days, and to all of you who buy the food our growers are offering. Even ordering one dozen eggs makes a difference, and is one dozen less that has to be laid by chickens in cages somewhere and shipped here. Thank you all for helping make my crazy idea come to life in such a spectacularly successful fashion! Over five hundred other communities have begun markets based on ours here, and its a testament to all of you.

Thank you so much for your support of Athens Locally Grown, all of our growers, local food, and our rights to eat it. You all are part of what makes Athens such a great area in which to live. We’ll see you on Thursday at Ben’s Bikes at the corner of Pope and Broad Streets from 4:30 to 8pm!

Other Area Farmers Markets

The Athens Farmers Market has closed for the winter. You can watch for news during the offseason on their website. The other area markets are also all closed for the season, I believe. If you know of any winter markets operating, please let me know. And they might all be closed, but we’ll be here all year round!

All of these other markets are separate from ALG (including the Athens Farmers Market) but many growers sell at multiple markets. Please support your local farmers and food producers, where ever you’re able to do so!

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

Green Fork Farmers Market:  Weekly Product List

Dear Green Fork Farmers Market Customers,

Make sure you check out Bee Well Gardens—they have beautiful potted paperwhites again this week! They will only last for a limited time.

Also available this week:

Vegetables—Lettuce mix and spinach.

*Meat*—pastured chicken, lamb, pork, organ meats, soup bones, and parts for stock.

Eggs—pastured chicken eggs.

Specialty foods—fermented sauerkraut and jalapenos, salsa made from local and organic ingredients, sugar cookies, and olives directly from the grower in California. Figgieville will also have a new shipment of olive oil coming in soon.

Place your order from now until Tuesday at noon, and we’ll reserve your products for pickup on Wednesday from 4-7 pm. Or you can stop by to see what we have for sale on our tables.

Thank you, and see you on Wednesday!

Green Fork Farmers Market

Wednesdays 4-7 pm
Indoors, Year Round
At Nightbird Books

Northeast Georgia Locally Grown:  Locally Grown - Availability for February 25th, 2015

Hey Local Food Lovers,

This last week was pretty exciting! First, there were lots of questions from both farmers and customers about whether we would carry on with Locally Grown in the freezing cold ice and snow. The answer was Yes! As long at the roads aren’t horribly dangerous we keep the Local Food moving from the farm to your fridge to your bellies nearly every week all year long. We do REALLY appreciate it when everyone works with us the way you did this past Wednesday by picking up in just a one hour time frame so we weren’t freezing to death. We had 100% support on that and we really THANK YOU. Everything went well and hopefully you enjoyed getting good fresh local food in the dead of winter.

There were some other exciting developments this last week. The first I’ll offer as a teaser. Andrew and I went to visit a farm that’ll be joining Locally Grown in just a few weeks that will have some excellent BEEF, PORK and EGGS produced on a farm that just relocated to north Hall County. It was a frigid day on our visit, but we were very impressed with what we saw and can’t wait to welcome a new MEAT producer to the market. Since they’ll be joining us soon enough I’ll save lots of other details including their name for their grand entrance coming quite soon!

Georgia Organics had their huge annual conference this past weekend in Athens (about 1,000 in attendance) and Chuck and Andrew and I had the privileged opportunity to go down and give a presentation on the role of FARMERS NETWORKS in building Local Food Systems as one of the conference sessions. Many of you may not yet be aware of the Georgia Mountains Farmers Network (GMFN) that we started back in January 2012 and how important that has been in creating regional collaboration amongst sustainable farmers. To give you an example of how important, the GMFN is the reason that Locally Grown expanded to Gainesville this past year. Our little group would vote every year on our top priority projects to collaborate on, and every year COLLABORATIVE MARKETING to get more products to more customers was voted as a top priority. The more we discussed how to do it, we realized that 1) We wanted to reach URBAN customers to increase our sales potential and; 2) We wanted to continue to sell RETAIL (as opposed to Wholesale). We discussed many ways to accomplish that goal, and eventually discovered that expansion of the Locally Grown market to Gainesville was our best possible opportunity.

It’s taken a lot of effort, but our collaborations have paid off in just the 3 years that GMFN has been around. We have a board of directors, our FARM TOUR (mark your calendar now for June 27-28) is a huge event promoting local food farms regionally with over 500 people attending last year. And in less than a month our little group (it’ll be about 50 people) will have our annual meeting at Harvest Habersham, enjoying a really good meal of food grown from their own farms to discuss what we want to accomplish in 2015 and onward.

Rather than try and re-give the whole talk here, feel free to take a look at the SLIDESHOW

If you’ve got an hour to kill and would enjoy plugging your headphones into an MP3 describing how our local farming community has grown over the last 3 years here’s the AUDIO from the talk.

That’ll do it for this week. Our item count is a little low this week. Obviously the coldest week of the year stifles the growth of fresh veggies, but order big of what we do have and get ready. We are just days away from the beginnings of spring crops. I can feel the excitement in the air.


Justin, Chuck, Teri and Andrew

Atlanta Locally Grown:  Available for Saturday February 28

I hope this finds you all doing well. The market is open and ready for orders. March is just around the corner. It potato planting time. My sons an I will drop some 400-500 lbs in the ground in the next week or so. With any lick we will have a bountiful harvest in late spring. It’s also time for most other spring planting items, beets, carrots, collards, kale, radishes and more. I expect transplant by mid march with tomatoes and peppers to follow. It’s exciting to be a farmer this time of year. We have so much potential. I just hope we can keep up.

The market had lots of great things listed for this week. Plenty o pork along with a plethora of garden goodies. Order up and please share us with a friend.

We will see you Saturday at your selected delivery location; Brookhaven Farmers Market, Piedmont Green Market or Sandy Springs Farmers market.

Thank you for all your support,

Conyers Locally Grown:  Available for Friday February 27

I hope this finds you all doing well. The market is open and ready for orders. March is just around the corner. It potato planting time. My sons an I will drop some 400-500 lbs in the ground in the next week or so. With any lick we will have a bountiful harvest in late spring. It’s also time for most other spring planting items, beets, carrots, collards, kale, radishes and more. I expect transplant by mid march with tomatoes and peppers to follow. It’s exciting to be a farmer this time of year. We have so much potential. I just hope we can keep up.

The market had lots of great things listed for this week. Plenty o pork along with a plethora of garden goodies. Order up and please share us with a friend.

We will see you Friday between 5-7 at copy central (1264 Parker road).

Thank you for all your support,

Fresh Harvest, LLC:  Fresh Harvest for Feb 22nd - One More Week Off!

To Contact Us

Fresh Harvest, LLC
Link to Fresh Harvest
Email us!
Tallahassee May


Market News


Well, that last week was a doozy, wasn’t it? We hope you all were able to slow down some and stay safe and warm.
Thankfully, the weather does seem to be shifting a bit. However, it is still cold enough to warrant one more week off of delivery. It will be good for us all to catch up this coming week on the stuff we couldn’t get to last week!
We plan on starting up again next week, so please look for an email on the night of March 1st.

As always, thanks so much for your support, and we look forward to seeing you Wednesday, March 4th!

John and Tallahassee

Coming Events

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

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Dawson Local Harvest:  The Market is Back!

The DAWSON LOCAL HARVEST for February 27th

The Market is Back!


After a week of annoying and inconvenient weather it looks like things might return to a little more normal, and that’s good news for all you Locavores out there! MY DAILY BREAD was without power for several days but they are back and rarin’ to go. It also looks like we may be offering a new vendor shortly, with more coming this Spring, so stay tuned for some exciting announcements!

In the meantime we hope you’ll take a look at The Market for this week.


REMEMBER! You can order until Tuesday night at 8pm. Pick up your order at Leilani’s Gardens Friday afternoons from 4 to 7pm.

You’ll find the DAWSON LOCAL HARVEST at

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible! We guarantee your satisfaction with all products in the DAWSON LOCAL HARVEST.

Have a happy and healthy week!

Alan Vining
Market Manager